The purpose of ITL is to promote a Christian worldview of civil government, law, justice, public policy, and religious liberty from a foundation of Christian theology.
We believe that when Christians fail to maintain a biblically informed view of the relationship between the church and the state, each suffers. When the church, as an institution, assumes the role of government and attempts to restrain evil through the civil use of the law, the gospel message can become obscured and Christianity is often reduced to a mere civil religion. When the state assumes the function of the church, genuine disagreement and debate among believers is often settled in a court of law— and genuine freedom of religion is abated to the detriment of the believer. In contrast, when the church fails to properly inform law and public policy, government fails to restrain the evil it was designed to do (Rom. 13:1-7).
Christianity begins with the gospel, but Christianity is a complete worldview and way of life. We cannot exclude God from law and public policy and expect Him to bless our nation. Those nations who exclude God will not be blessed by God. They will not prosper, nor will they enjoy life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness as God intended.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. (Psalm 33:12)